A Podcast about future trends in live Theatre Distribution.
Teddy Hayes (playwright, producer and co-founder of the Theatre Stream Channel) talks with Scott Murray about the benefits of the (TSC)Theatre Stream Channel and how filming and streaming live theatre is the coming thing of the future.
Teddy sites that one of the reasons the TSC became interested in streaming theatre , especially theatre from the minority communities is because theatre produced in smaller theatres around the world does not depend on stars to drive an audience. With local theatre productions, the plays are peopled by actors from the community around the theatre.
Another important factor about streaming community theatre is that it allows the companies involved theatre to extend their reach to other audiences that are not in the locality of the theatre.
For example if a live play is on a stage in Dallas Texas and has a six week run and as a result gets noticed and well-reviewed and creates positive publicity on the internet; that play will create potential audiences in other places. Therefore all of those people who have heard about the play in those other places have become potential customers. But if these people who have heard about it cannot see the play then both the theatre loses out as well as the person who wants to see the play.
This is where streaming on a “pay per view” basis comes in.
With streaming, the person who has seen and heard about the play through Facebook, Twitter and other social media can now see a filmed version of the live stage play on a pay per view basis via the Theatre Stream Channel service. As a result, everybody wins. The theatre as well as the actors performing can receive extra income and the person buying the pay per view is able to enjoy the show and tell other people about it which creates an even larger market for a show that started out in in a local theatre.
Also the result of someone seeing it in another location makes it possible for someone to become interested enough to bring the production to one of their local theatres. The National Theatre in London has been a leader in this area of filming and streaming live theatre and currently it is believed that they receive up to 12% of their revenue from sending their productions out to cinemas on a pay per view basis.
So have a listen to the podcast and see what you think. http://bit.ly/2xEdhVo
If you like what you hear, please get in touch via the website www.theatrestreamchannel.com
TSC are especially interested in theatres that have original one person shows for the SOLO SHOW series.